Our website is compliant with french law. Please be assured that we respect the privacy of website users and that we hold a licence.

Website publisher

Banque Transatlantique

  • A French Société Anonyme (limited company) with a share capital of 29 371 680 €
  • Registered office: 26, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 Paris
  • Paris Trade and Companies Register N° 302 695 937
  • Postal address 75372 Paris Cedex 08
  • VAT N° FR34542016381
  • Tel: + 33 (0)1 56 88 77 77 – fax: + 33 (0)1 42 25 33 33
  • Governed by Article L.511-1 (and following) of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code Monétaire et Financier
  • Registered with the ORIAS register of insurance intermediaries, N° 07.025.540 www.orias.fr.
  • Swift Code: CMCIFRPP
  • Director of Publication: Philippe Jean Peron, Head of Development and Financial Engineering.

Website host


  • A french Société par Actions Simplifiée (simplified form of joint stock company)
  • Registered office: 4 rue Frédéric-Guillaume Raiffeisen – 67000 Strasbourg
  • Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register N° B 312 730 674
  • Tel: + 33 (0)3 88 14 88 14


On this website, Banque Transatlantique, which markets products online at http://www.banquetransatlantique.com is referred to below (without distinction) as « Banque Transatlantique ».

Banque Transatlantique disclaims liability for the content of these web pages and the use made thereof. Banque Transatlantique will not be held liable in any way should any documents and related graphic elements published on this server contain inaccuracies or clerical errors or for any changes made from time to time to information on this server. Furthermore, access to certain products and services may be restricted for contractual reasons.

Rights to website content

The text and graphic elements appearing on this website as well as the way they are presented and assembled are the property of Banque Transatlantique. They are deemed ‘works’ and are therefore protected by the laws of all countries worldwide and by international treaties. Users whose personal details are collected directly by the bank and published on this website have consented to their details being used.

We have received specific written authorisation (either on paper or by e-mail) to use the logos and personal details of third parties and to publish articles from the written press on this website.

Licence to use website

By accessing this website or an element hereof, you are accepting a licence given to you by Banque Transatlantique as stipulated below. The products and services described on this website may not be available to certain people or in certain countries.

We will not provide products or services presented on this website if prohibited to do so by virtue of the laws in force in the user’s country of origin or in any other country. Users who read this message are asked to ensure that they are legally authorised to access this website in the country where they are located.

This licence includes only the right to use content on this website or an element hereof on a private and personal basis (which may not be transferred to a third party), the right to save and store information for use on a single user screen and the right to create one back-up copy or printout, on the understanding that, when using documents taken from this website in any way whatsoever, the source must be stipulated.

Subject to the above rights, users are specifically prohibited from displaying and/or reproducing some or all of the content of this website and/or an element hereof notably for commercial and/or distribution purposes or on a computer network via link:

  • Subject to the above rights, users are specifically prohibited from displaying and/or reproducing some or all of the content of this website and/or an element hereof notably for commercial and/or distribution purposes or on a computer network via links. Users are notably prohibited from fraudulently displaying a page of this website on a page that does not belong to Banque Transatlantique (using the framing technique) and from inserting an image that does not belong to Banque Transatlantique (using the in-line linking technique).
  • The repeated and systematic extraction of information on this website (whether protected or not), notably the elements that are protected by French Act N°98-536 of 1 July 1998 on the legal protection of databases, will cause harm to Banque Transatlantique.

However, users may create links to the web page http://www.banquetransatlantique.com provided that all of the following conditions are met :

  • the web page must appear under the above address,
  • if links are created from the figurative trade mark, Banque Transatlantique gives its prior permission for the trade mark to be reproduced and displayed solely for this purpose;
  • and websites that operate links to the above address must pursue their business and circulate information, images and other media in accordance with public policy and accepted standards of goods behaviour and, generally, in accordance with french law. Banque Transatlantique reserves the right to change these conditions at any time.

Good service of contracts - Claims – Mediation

In the event of disagreement, you can express your request by referring to the following link: https://www.banquetransatlantique.com/fr/contacts.html#S6

Pre-contractual information

As online sales may be carried out via our website, it is important that we advise users of the law applicable to banking and financial canvassing. The sale of products and services outside our branches is also governed by distance selling regulations. These documents can be viewed here


Banque Transatlantique’s authorisation can be viewed on the Banque de France website at http://www.banque-france.fr.

Inactive accounts: are you affected?

For the purposes of the management of your employee share ownership plans, you hold at least one cash account and one securities account in Banque Transatlantique’s books. Committed to keeping you as informed as possible, Banque Transatlantique presents you with the following key information on the Eckert law relating to inactive accounts.

Eckert law: key points

The so-called Eckert law of 13 June 2014 relating to inactive bank accounts and unclaimed life insurance policies came into force on 1st January 2016.

It aims to protect and provide more information to the holders of inactive accounts as well as the beneficiaries of life insurance policies. In particular, it gives a detailed definition of the concept of inactivity.

From now on a bank account will be considered inactive if there has been no transaction (deposit, withdrawal, etc.) on it or contact from its holder for 12 months in the case of a current account or 5 years in the case of a savings product or securities account.

Note that for amounts deposited or securities registered in an account that are unavailable during a given period because of legal provisions, contractual stipulations or the existence of a contractual security, the five-year period starts at the end of the period of unavailability.

For example, any of your accounts used only for transactions relating to the exercise of your plans are likely to be contractually unavailable or to have an allocation pending. In such cases the five-year period will only begin when you leave the company that awarded you the related amounts. This rule is strictly limited to accounts reserved for your stock option or bonus share award transactions.

Under this law, banks are subject to new obligations concerning the management of inactive bank accounts. They will now have to list all inactive accounts held by their customers every year, check that their holders are still alive by consulting the deceased persons register (taken from the INSEE register) and inform the people concerned of the potential consequences of having an inactive account.

The Eckert law also stipulates that bank accounts must be closed and their assets transferred to Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) after ten years of inactivity if the holder is alive or three years after the holder’s death if no beneficiary has come forward.

Account holders or their beneficiaries may request CDC to return these amounts to them by logging on to its website as from January 2017.


  • Log on regularly to your personal online space and keep your contact details up to date to ensure that you are contacted.
  • Note that you will never be affected if you carry out at least one transaction per year (deposit, withdrawal, transaction involving your benefits or securities positions) on one of your accounts.

Who is affected?

Although the account that you hold at Banque Transatlantique is a special account reserved for transactions relating to your plans, the law nevertheless considers it as a standard bank account.

All savers with an account in France are subject to the Eckert law, including tax non-residents.

Also, inactivity is assessed on an individual account holder basis; only accounts that belong to the account holder are taken into consideration to identify inactivity.

Good to know

All you need to do to reactivate your account is go to our website and log on with your identifier and password.

How will I know if my account has been identified as inactive?

As soon as inactivity is detected, Banque Transatlantique undertakes to immediately inform the holder of the inactive account – or if the holder is deceased, his or her known heirs – of the situation by email.

Practically speaking, as soon as one of your accounts meets the Eckert law criteria Banque Transatlantique will send you a letter asking you to contact your personal relationship manager and providing a reply slip for that purpose. It will reissue the same letter each year as long as the corresponding accounts remain inactive.

After ten years of recorded inactivity and if the account holder or his or her legal representative or proxy has failed to come forward, banks are obliged to close the inactive accounts, sell the securities (except for unlisted financial instruments and equivalent securities) and transfer the balance of the assets and the proceeds from the sale of the securities to Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. An information letter will be sent by registered post to the people concerned six months before this deadline.

Will you charge me fees for account inactivity?

The Eckert law stipulates the terms and conditions relating to billing the management of inactive accounts.

  • We undertake to limit any billing relating to the management of inactive current accounts and ordinary savings accounts to €30 per account per year.
  • Where applicable, these fees will be deducted in arrears, in other words 12 months after the inactivity is first recorded.

NB: Banque Transatlantique will not charge you any inactive account fees if you reactivate your accounts within a year of the information letter being sent.

What practically do I need to do to reactivate an inactive account?

To be able to avoid closing your inactive account and halt the regulatory process we have to show that you have contacted us.

Reactivating an account is quick and easy

  • All you need to do is log on to your personal area on our website using your identifier and password, or carry out a transaction on one of your accounts.
  • You can also reactivate your account by filling out the reply slip contained in the information letter. Date and sign it before sending it back to Banque Transatlantique by letter, email or fax.
  • What if you are the beneficiary of a deceased account holder? In this case, all you need to do is to write to us, including in your correspondence proof of your status as heir (account holder’s death certificate, certificate of inheritance, etc.). Your personal relationship manager and your solicitor will be able to assist you with this process.

How can I avoid having my accounts identified as inactive?

We recommend that you log on regularly to your personal area on this site so that your accounts continue to be recognised as active.

Do you think that you may be affected or have you moved recently? Be sure to check with your personal relationship manager that your contact details are up to date to ensure that you are contacted if necessary.

If you change address, do not forget to send us proof of your new address dated within the last three months (electricity or water bill, etc.).

What happens if I miss the deadline?

If you do not contact us before the end of the statutory period (ten years, or three years if the account holder is deceased) Banque Transatlantique will be obliged to close your account, sell your securities and transfer your assets to Caisse de Dépôts et Consignations. From this point you will deal exclusively with CDC.

Banque Transatlantique undertakes to contact you at your last known address using registered post six months before it closes any of your accounts, to warn you that such a transfer is imminent and give you the means to respond. Hence the importance of keeping us informed about any change in your postal address.

What do I need to do to recover any of my money transferred to CDC?

The Eckert law provides for the possibility of requesting the return of funds once they have been transferred to Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. As from January 2017, CDC will facilitate this process by making a website available to the public so that people can perform online searches and request the return of sums transferred to CDC.

The deadlines for recovering assets vary depending on whether the account holder is alive or deceased.

  1. You are the account holder or the account holder’s legal representative: the amounts remain available for 20 years. After 20 years, the assets become the permanent property of the State.
  2. You are the beneficiary of the deceased account holder: in this case, the law provides that the money be transferred to Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations three years after the death of the account holder, providing no beneficiary has come forward. The money remains available at CDC for 27 years and after that becomes State property.

Be vigilant

If your bank accounts are identified as being inactive, Banque Transatlantique will try and contact you using the contact details that you have given it. In this specific situation, we recommend that you contact your personal relationship manager to assess together the practical steps needed in light of this information.

Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations does not search for the beneficiaries of unclaimed amounts, nor does it appoint any intermediaries to do so on its behalf. If you are contacted by a person claiming to be from Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, remain vigilant and under no circumstances disclose any confidential information.

Contact your Banque Transatlantique personal relationship manager through the usual channels to report the situation. Do not use any links contained in an email.